Words That Rhyme With "Amebic" :
2 syllables:
babic, cubic, edict, Liebig, phobic, pubic, rabic, reback, rebec, rebeck, reebok, Subic, triblet
3 syllables:
aerobic, amoebic, cherubic, ephebic, microbic, niobic, syllabic
4 syllables:
aerophobic, anaerobic, Anglophobic, asyllabic, chromophobic, claustrophobic, cyclopedic, dissyllabic, disyllabic, homophobic, hydrophobic, logaoedic, logopedics, lyophobic, orthopaedics, orthopedic, technophobic, trisyllabic, xenophobic
5 syllables:
ambisyllabic, decasyllabic, encyclopaedic, encyclopedic, heptasyllabic, hexasyllabic, monosyllabic, octosyllabic, parisyllabic, pentasyllabic, polysyllabic, tetrasyllabic
6 syllables:
dodecasyllabic, enneasyllabic, hendecasyllabic, imparisyllabic