Words That Rhyme With "Baith" :
1 syllable:
ace, brace, case, chace, chafe, chase, dace, face, faith, glace, grace, haith, Heyse, kef, lace, lathe, mace, nathe, pace, place, plaice, race, Rafe, rais, raith, rathe, safe, scathe, snathe, space, spathe, staithe, strafe, trace, tref, vase, waif, wraith
2 syllables:
apace, deface, discase, disgrace, displace, efface, embrace, emplace, encase, enchase, enlace, erase, Galbraith, incase, inswathe, misplace, outface, reface, replace, retrace, unbrace, uncase, unfaith, unlace, unsafe, unswathe, vouchsafe