Words That Rhyme With "Baris" :
2 syllables:
aires, arby's, Aries, armies, army's, artes, arty's, caras, Carey's, caries, carries, ceres, certes, charley's, charlie's, charros, Chartres, cherries, cherry's, curries, curry's, dairies, darbies, darby's, darty's, fairies, ferries, ferry's, flurries, Gary's, glories, gurges, gurney's, hardy's, Harley's, harries, harry's, Harvey's, heres, Hermes, herpes, Hershey's, hurdies, hurries, Jerry's, jerseys, journeys, Juarez, juries, jury's, karis, kermes, kerry's, kirby's, Lares, larry's, leary's, lori's, lorries, maras, marries, Marti's, marty's, Mary's, mercies, Murphy's, Murray's, partes, parties, party's, Percy's, perry's, prairies, quarries, queries, saris, series, sharpies, sharpy's, sherry's, Shirley's, smarties, sorrows, stories, story's, surcease, Taras, terry's, theories, theory's, thirties, thirty's, Tories, turkeys, varas, varies, Verdi's, worries, worthies, Yerkes
3 syllables:
alkermes, Antares, Asmaras, asperges, attorneys, butare's, canaries, Castores, congeries, Diores, Guevara's, halteres, Laertes, Mccarthy's, Missouri's, safaris, tiaras, tomorrows
4 syllables:
Holofernes, inventories, inventory's, levatores, rotatores, traditores