Words That Rhyme With "Battel" :
2 syllables:
addle, addled, Antal, apple, atoll, battle, brabble, brattle, brittle, brutal, butyl, cackle, cantal, cantle, cattle, chackle, Chantal, chapel, chattel, chital, coital, cottle, crackle, crackled, cuttle, dabble, daggle, dapple, dappled, dotal, dottle, drabble, draggle, fatal, fetal, fettle, foetal, footle, fractal, gabble, gaggle, glottal, goutal, grabble, grackle, grapple, grappled, guttle, hackle, Hagel, haggle, it'll, jackal, Keitel, kettle, kittel, kittle, knittle, little, mackle, macle, macled, mantel, mantle, metal, metol, mettle, mottle, natal, nettle, paddle, paddled, petal, pettle, plantal, pottle, prattle, prattled, rabble, Racal, Rachal, rackle, raddle, raddled, raggle, ratal, ratel, rattle, rattled, rootle, rotl, ruttle, saddle, saddled, santal, scabble, Schnabel, scrabble, scraggle, scrapple, scuttle, settle, shackle, shackled, sheitel, shuttle, skatole, skittle, smittle, spackle, spital, spittle, spraddle, staddle, statal, straddle, straddled, straggle, stratal, subtile, subtle, suttle, tackle, tackled, tattle, tattled, that'll, throttle, title, tittle, tootal, tootle, total, twattle, victual, vital, vittle, waggle, wattle, whittle, wittol
3 syllables:
acetyl, astraddle, atlantal, bedabble, bedrabble, bedraggle, belittle, committal, decretal, detrital, dismantle, embattle, embrittle, entitle, gametal, intitle, mistitle, nonfatal, octantal, planetal, postnatal, prenatal, quadrantal, recital, refutal, remittal, resettle, revictual, Seattle, skedaddle, spirantal, subtotal, teetotal, transmittal, tridactyl, unsaddle, unsaddled, unsettle, unshackle, unshackled, unsubtle, varietal
4 syllables:
anecdotal, antenatal, antidotal, assonantal, biacetyl, covenantal, diacetyl, disentitle, epicotyl, hypocotyl, intravital, Kwakiutl, neonatal, noncommittal, oversubtle, pentadactyl, perinatal, polydactyl, sacerdotal, supersubtle
5 syllables:
artiodactyl, perissodactyl, postconsonantal, preconsonantal, Quetzalcoatl