Words That Rhyme With "Bureau's" :
2 syllables:
arrows, Barros, barrows, boroughs, borrows, bureaus, bureaux, burros, Burroughs, burrowes, burrows, Cairo's, charros, cora's, Darrow's, faroes, farrow's, Flores, forays, glories, gyros, heroes, heros, juries, jury's, Kuras, laura's, lori's, lorries, Miro's, mores, Moros, narrows, Nero's, pharaohs, Pharos, quarries, sorrows, sparrows, stories, story's, tiros, Tories, torose, Torres, torsos, zeroes, zeros
3 syllables:
angoras, Castores, Diores, menorahs, Missouri's, pandora's, tomorrows, valores
4 syllables:
inventories, inventory's, levatores, Matamoros, metamorphose, politburo's, rotatores, superheroes, traditores