Words That Rhyme With "Butty" :
2 syllables:
bloody, bratty, brunty, catty, chatty, chuckie, chucky, chutney, city, clotty, clucky, cotty, cruddy, crusty, cuddy, cuppy, cutty, dautie, ditty, Dottie, dotty, doughty, ducky, duddy, dusty, fatty, flattie, footie, fretty, fusty, gaddi, gatty, Getty, gnatty, gritty, grotty, guppy, gusty, guttae, Hattie, haughty, Hettie, hitty, hottie, jetty, jutty, khatri, kitty, knotty, lathee, lathi, lati, Letty, Lottie, lucky, lusty, Mattie, Matty, mucky, muddy, mufti, musty, natty, naughty, Nettie, netty, nitty, nutty, Patti, pattie, patty, petit, petty, pity, plucky, potty, pretty, punty, puppy, puttee, putty, ratty, ruddy, runty, rusty, rutty, Sakti, scatty, Scottie, Scotty, seti, setty, Shakti, shitty, slutty, smriti, smutty, spotty, squatty, sruti, stretti, study, sweaty, tattie, tatty, titty, totty, trotty, Truckee, trusty, tufty, tutee, tutty, twitty, vittae, witty, yeti, yucky, yuppie, zloty
3 syllables:
Amati, banditti, Cantate, chapati, chapatti, coati, committee, confetti, karate, Kentucky, machete, Mahratti, Marathi, restudy, Rossetti, spaghetti, unlucky, unwitty
4 syllables:
amoretti, cappelletti, Cincinnati, Donizetti, Giacometti, glitterati, Gujarati, literati, manicotti, overlusty, overstudy, Pavarotti, Prajapati, serengeti, spermaceti, subcommittee