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Words That Rhyme With "Collapsed" :

1 syllable:

apps, apse, axed, bats, batts, batz, brats, caps, cats, chaps, chats, craps, dats, fats, faxed, gaps, gnats, Graz, hats, japs, kats, lapsed, maps, mats, mattes, matts, maxed, naps, pats, prats, Pratt's, Propst, raps, rats, saps, schnapps, scraps, snaps, spats, stats, straps, swaps, swats, taps, taxed, that's, traps, vats, Watts, waxed, wraps, yaps, zaps

2 syllables:

begats, combats, elapsed, perhaps, relapsed, untaxed

3 syllables:
