Words That Rhyme With "Comportance" :
2 syllables:
bohren, Borden, boren, bourdon, buren, cordon, coren, corken, corpus, Dorcas, durance, floren, Florence, foreign, fortman, forums, fourpence, giron, goran, Gordon, goren, gorgons, Hortense, Jordan, Jorden, koren, Lauren, Laurence, Lawrence, lorden, loren, moren, morgans, Morton, Norton, orcas, Orcus, Oren, organs, orren, portance, quartan, quartern, quorums, shorten, shortness, suren, thoren, Thornton, toren, Torrance, Torrence, torrents, torten, tortoise, warden, warrants, warren, Warton, Wharton
3 syllables:
abhorrence, abortus, absorbance, absorptance, accordance, advertence, anuran, assurance, concordance, discordance, foreshorten, Honduran, importance, inertance, insurance, procurance, Proturan, Sonoran, Transjordan
4 syllables:
brachyuran, Ecuadoran, inadvertence, reassurance, reinsurance, Salvadorans