Words That Rhyme With "Cup" :
1 syllable:
app, blip, blub, bop, bub, buck, but, butt, chap, chip, chop, chub, chuck, chut, clap, clip, clop, club, cluck, crap, crip, crop, cruck, dap, dip, dop, dopp, drip, drop, drub, dub, duck, duk, dup, flap, flip, flop, flub, fop, frap, fuck, gap, gip, glop, Gluck, glut, grip, grippe, grub, guck, gut, gyp, hap, hip, hipp, hop, Hoppe, hub, huck, hut, jap, jaup, jut, knap, knop, Knut, Krupp, lap, Lapp, lip, lop, luck, map, mop, muck, mutt, nap, nappe, nip, nub, nut, pap, paup, phut, pip, plop, pluck, pop, prop, pub, puck, pup, putt, quip, rap, rip, rub, ruck, rut, sap, schmuck, scrap, scrip, scrub, scup, ship, shop, shoppe, shrub, shuck, shut, sip, slap, slip, slop, slub, slut, smut, snap, snip, snub, snuck, sop, stap, stapp, stop, strap, strip, strop, struck, strut, stub, stuck, stupp, sub, suck, suk, sup, swap, swop, tap, tip, top, trap, trip, truck, tub, tuck, tut, up, upped, wap, whap, what, whip, whop, wop, wrap, yap, yawp, yip, yuck, yuk, yup, zap, zip
2 syllables:
abrupt, abut, amok, amuck, atop, atrip, backup, ballup, blowup, breakup, brushup, bullpup, burnup, Canuck, checkup, cleanup, closeup, cockup, corrupt, disrupt, dustup, eggcup, englut, entrap, enwrap, equip, erupt, estop, eyecup, genappe, genip, getup, goldcup, grownup, holdup, hookup, inwrap, irrupt, kerflop, kingcup, lagniappe, layup, letup, lineup, linkup, lockup, makeup, markup, mayhap, nonstop, oilcup, outstrip, pickup, pileup, pinup, pushup, rebut, roundtrip, roundup, runup, setup, shakeup, somewhat, speedup, startup, stickup, teacup, tossup, tranship, transship, tuneup, turnup, unship, unsnap, unstop, unstrap, unstuck, untuck, unwrap, unzip, wakeup, walkup, whitecup, windup
3 syllables:
buttercup, coverup, followup, incorrupt, intercrop, interlap, interrupt, microchip, overcrop, overslip, overtop, underlap, underprop, wickiup, wikiup