Words That Rhyme With "Diadochokinesia" :
2 syllables:
3 syllables:
abasia, aesthesia, amnesia, aphasia, aplasia, astasia, atresia, babesia, Caucasia, cotija, diplegia, dyscrasia, dysphasia, dysplasia, esthesia, Eurasia, fantasia, Felicia, frambesia, godetia, Helvetia, Kirghizia, Laurasia, Louisa, Lucretia, Luisa, magnesia, Malaysia, montbretia, nemesia, rafflesia, Rhodesia, Silesia, Tunisia
4 syllables:
achalasia, acmesthesia, akinesia, anaesthesia, Anastasia, anesthesia, anoesia, aphrodisia, Australasia, Austronesia, cataphasia, cataplasia, cenesthesia, Ciscaucasia, coenesthesia, dysesthesia, dyskinesia, endophasia, exophasia, fibroplasia, haemostasia, hemostasia, hypaesthesia, hyperplasia, hypesthesia, hypomnesia, hypoplasia, Indonesia, kinaesthesia, kinesthesia, lespedeza, metaplasia, Micronesia, paraesthesia, paramnesia, paresthesia, Polynesia, synaesthesia, synesthesia, telesthesia, televisa, Transcaucasia
5 syllables:
achondroplasia, antonomasia, bradykinesia, homeoplasia, hyperaesthesia, hyperesthesia, hyperkinesia, hyperpiesia, hypokinesia, keratectasia, paronomasia