Words That Rhyme With "Diagnosing" :
2 syllables:
basing, blessing, boasting, bowfin, bracing, broaching, busing, bussing, casing, ceasing, chasing, cissing, classing, closing, coaching, coasting, coaxing, Cochin, crossing, cussing, dicing, diesing, dissing, doeskin, dosing, dousing, dowsing, dozing, dressing, facing, fleecing, fussing, gassing, ghosting, Gissing, Goshen, gracing, greasing, grossing, grousing, guessing, hissing, hosing, hosting, icing, kissing, kosin, lacing, leasing, Lessing, loafing, loathing, loosing, massing, messing, missing, pacing, passing, piecing, pissing, placing, poaching, posing, posting, pressing, pricing, racing, roasting, rosing, sassing, slicing, sluicing, sousing, spacing, spicing, splicing, sprucing, stressing, toasting, tossing, tracing, trussing, voicing
3 syllables:
addressing, adducing, amassing, approaching, assessing, caressing, composing, compressing, confessing, debasing, decreasing, defacing, degaussing, depressing, digressing, disclosing, discussing, dismissing, displacing, disposing, distressing, effacing, embracing, enclosing, encroaching, engrossing, enticing, erasing, exposing, expressing, foreclosing, harassing, imposing, impressing, increasing, inducing, misplacing, mispricing, obsessing, opposing, oppressing, Pitocin, pocosin, policing, possessing, producing, professing, progressing, proposing, recessing, redressing, reducing, rejoicing, releasing, replacing, repressing, repricing, retracing, seducing, subcasing, subleasing, supposing, suppressing, surpassing, transgressing, unceasing, unfrozen
4 syllables:
acquiescing, coalescing, decomposing, decompressing, effervescing, interlacing, introducing, juxtaposing, nonincreasing, overdosing, overpricing, oxytocin, predisposing, prepossessing, reassessing, reimposing, reproducing, unimposing
5 syllables:
corticotrophin, gonadotrophin, overexposing, overproducing, reintroducing, somatotrophin, unprepossessing