Words That Rhyme With "Dole's" :
1 syllable:
boal, boles, Bolles, bolls, bowles, bowls, bulls, coals, coles, cools, doles, droll, foal, fools, fouls, full's, ghouls, goals, growls, gules, holes, howls, joules, jowls, Jules, knoll, knoll's, Knowles, kohls, moles, mules, nolls, oles, owls, poles, polls, pols, pools, prole, pulls, puls, roles, rolls, rules, Scholes, schools, scrolls, Seoul, Seoul's, shoals, sholes, skoal, sol, soles, Soules, souls, stole, stools, strolls, thole, toles, tolles, tolls, tools, troll, volary, voles, wholes, wools
2 syllables:
bankrolls, blowholes, bricole, cajole, charcoals, consoles, controls, creoles, enrol, enrolls, enscroll, ensoul, extoll, extols, flagpoles, forepole, foxholes, inscroll, insoul, keyholes, loopholes, Nicole, parol, paroles, patrols, payrolls, petroles, pinholes, pistole, postholes, potholes, preschools, redpolls, resole, rissoles, tadpoles, unroll
3 syllables:
buttonholes, carmagnole, decontrol, escarole, espagnole, fumaroles, hypergol, innersole, monopoles, orioles, Seminoles, superbowls