Words That Rhyme With "Dormient" :
3 syllables:
aureate, Florian, hauriant, Kurian, laureate, permeant, prurient, saurian, stormiest, torian, Torreon
4 syllables:
Arthurian, aurorean, Bosporian, centurion, decurion, esurient, euphoriant, Fomorian, Gregorian, historian, lictorian, Ligurian, Missourian, Nestorian, pagurian, parturient, praetorian, stentorian, tellurian, Victorian, victoriate
5 syllables:
baccalaureate, Canterburian, holothurian, hyperborean, infusorian, Khachaturian, prehistorian, Pythagorean, Singaporean