Words That Rhyme With "Drizzle" :
2 syllables:
Basel, bezel, causal, chisel, clausal, crizzle, dazzle, diesel, dismal, easel, Faisal, fizzle, fizzled, foozle, frizzle, grizzle, guzzle, hazel, hazle, hosel, losel, missal, mizzle, muzzle, nasal, nosal, nozzle, nuzzle, ousel, ouzel, pizzle, puzzle, quisle, scissel, sizzle, sizzled, snivel, spousal, swivel, swizzle, teasel, teazel, thistle, tousle, weasel, whistle, whistled, wissel
3 syllables:
abysmal, abyssal, accusal, arousal, bamboozle, baptismal, bedazzle, carousal, deposal, despisal, dickcissel, dismissal, disposal, embezzle, epistle, espousal, exposal, perusal, postnasal, proposal, recusal, refusal, reposal, revisal, schlimazel, shemozzle, subnasal, supposal, surmisal, transposal, unmuzzle
4 syllables:
conjunctival, hypabyssal, menopausal, orinasal, oronasal, paranasal