Words That Rhyme With "Durants" :
2 syllables:
Arrants, Barents, courant, currents, Florence, forefront, forest, forints, formants, Forrest, fourpence, hornets, horrent, Laurence, Lawrence, Lorentz, mordant, mordent, parents, poorest, portance, purest, storment, surest, Torrance, Torrence, torrents, tyrants, vorant, warrants
3 syllables:
abhorrence, abhorrent, absorbance, absorbent, accordance, accordant, adherents, afforest, allurement, assurance, comportance, concordance, concordant, conformance, deforciant, deforest, deterrents, discordance, discordant, disforest, immurement, importance, important, informants, insurance, insurant, maturement, obscurant, performance, procurance, procurements, reforest, sonorant
4 syllables:
disafforest, nonconformance, nonperformance, outperformance, reassurance, reinsurance, unimportant