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Words That Rhyme With "Entopic" :

2 syllables:

scopic, topic, tropic

3 syllables:

diplopic, ectopic, hydropic, metopic, myopic, pantropic, photopic, scotopic

4 syllables:

allotropic, amblyopic, ametropic, apocopic, asthenopic, auriscopic, barotropic, chemotropic, conoscopic, cryoscopic, cystoscopic, cytotropic, desmotropic, emmetropic, endoscopic, fluoroscopic, gastroscopic, geotropic, gyroscopic, horoscopic, hydrotropic, hygroscopic, hyperopic, inotropic, isentropic, isotopic, isotropic, lipotropic, lycanthropic, lychnoscopic, lyotropic, macroscopic, megascopic, microscopic, misanthropic, monotropic, neurotropic, nyctitropic, orthoscopic, orthotropic, periscopic, philanthropic, phototropic, polytropic, psilanthropic, psychotropic, rheotropic, seismoscopic, spectroscopic, stenotopic, stethoscopic, telescopic, thermoscopic, thermotropic, thigmotropic, vitascopic

5 syllables:

aeolotropic, anemotropic, anisotropic, electroscopic, electrotropic, galvanotropic, gonadotropic, hypermetropic, kaleidoscopic, kinetoscopic, luteotropic, stereoscopic, submicroscopic, tachistoscopic, urethroscopic, viscerotropic

6 syllables:

anisometropic, apogeotropic, ultramicroscopic

8 syllables:


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