Words That Rhyme With "Epiplexis" :
2 syllables:
axis, cresses, dresses, esses, exes, guesses, Hesse's, hexose, lexis, messes, nexus, peckish, praxis, press's, presses, pyxis, rhexis, sepsis, sexes, sexist, stresses, texas, tresses, wreckfish, yeses, Zeuxis
3 syllables:
addresses, Alexis, asepsis, assesses, caresses, cathexis, confesses, depresses, digresses, distresses, excesses, express's, expresses, impresses, obsesses, onyxis, oppresses, orexis, possesses, professes, pseudaxis, sparaxis, successes, suppresses, synaxis, telexes, transgresses
4 syllables:
aeroscepsis, aldohexose, amphimixis, anaptyxis, anatexis, anorexics, antisepsis, apomixis, asterixis, chemotaxis, epistaxis, geotaxis, homotaxis, hydrotaxis, hypotaxis, hypozeuxis, ketohexose, parataxis, phototaxis, phyllotaxis, rheotaxis, telotaxis, thermotaxis, thigmotaxis
5 syllables:
anemotaxis, anticathexis, electrotaxis, galvanotaxis, heliotaxis, heterotaxis, omphaloskepsis, stereotaxis