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Words That Rhyme With "Faxer" :

2 syllables:

acker, Assur, Asur, backer, Baxter, blacker, Blackshirt, boxer, capture, coaxer, flexer, flexor, fracture, fractured, gasser, glasser, grasser, hacker, hoaxer, knacker, lacker, lacquer, Luxor, makar, mixer, Nasser, oxer, packer, passer, plexor, racker, rapture, sacker, sixer, slacker, smacker, snacker, stacker, tacker, taxer, thacker, tracker, vexer, whacker

3 syllables:

attacker, collapsar, contracture, elixir, enrapture, harasser, Macassar, recapture, relaxer

5 syllables:
