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Words That Rhyme With "Floaty" :

2 syllables:

beauty, bodhi, bootie, booty, brodie, Brody, chokey, choky, Cody, cokie, cootie, cooty, Coty, croaky, cutey, cutie, dhoti, dopey, dopy, doty, droughty, duty, folky, footie, footy, fruity, gnocchi, goatee, gootee, gouty, grouty, gutty, hokey, Hopi, Jodi, Jodie, jody, jolty, Modi, Mody, Mooty, mopey, mopy, muti, oaky, Okey, pokey, poky, postie, pouty, prody, roadie, roady, Rody, rooty, ropey, ropy, roti, smokey, smoky, snooty, soapy, sooty, sruti, throaty, toady, tody, toti, trochee, tutti, zooty

3 syllables:

agouti, belote, cenote, chayote, coyote, Djibouti, gomuti, mogote, parodi, peyote, quixote, remotely, Visconti

4 syllables:
