Words That Rhyme With "Forfeit" :
2 syllables:
auric, boric, boride, chloric, choric, corset, Doric, Dorset, floret, florid, horrid, lurid, moric, orphic, orphist, sporophyte, surfeit, thoric, torrid, warship, Zurich
3 syllables:
anorthic, caloric, dimorphic, dimorphite, fluoric, historic, mercuric, plethoric, purpuric, silurid, subtorrid, sulfuric, sulphuric, telluric
4 syllables:
aciduric, ahistoric, allomorphic, anamorphic, arthrosporic, ascosporic, automorphic, biomorphic, blastoporic, carposporic, ectomorphic, endomorphic, geomorphic, hemimorphic, hemimorphite, holomorphic, homomorphic, hylomorphic, hypnosporic, isochoric, isomorphic, macrosporic, megasporic, mesomorphic, metamorphic, meteoric, monomorphic, paregoric, pleomorphic, polymorphic, prehistoric, protomorphic, pyromorphite, theomorphic, xenomorphic, zoomorphic, zygomorphic
5 syllables:
actinomorphic, allelomorphic, anthropomorphic, gynandromorphic, heteromorphic, Hystricomorphic, idiomorphic, intratelluric, phantasmagoric, polyhistoric, teleutosporic, theriomorphic