Words That Rhyme With "Gemini" :
1 syllable:
ai, aye, bae, bai, Bligh, brei, buy, by, bye, chai, chi, cry, die, dry, dye, eye, fae, fie, fly, Fri, fry, Frye, gae, guy, hi, hie, high, Hye, i, Kai, kwai, lai, lie, lye, mai, Mei, my, nigh, Nye, phi, pi, pie, ply, pry, psi, Pye, rye, shy, sigh, sky, Skye, sly, sny, spry, spy, sty, stye, Tai, Thai, thigh, thy, tie, tri, try, tsai, tye, vie, Wai, why, wry, wye
2 syllables:
Abbai, aby, abye, Alai, ally, anigh, apply, atry, awry, Bahai, banzai, belie, bely, bonsai, Brunei, comply, Debye, decry, defy, demy, deny, descry, Dubai, ensky, forby, forbye, forwhy, gabbai, gi, goodbye, grisaille, guanay, hereby, imply, inby, July, lanai, Mihai, nearby, outfly, redye, rely, reply, retie, retry, rocaille, serail, shanghai, standby, supply, terai, thereby, untie, Versailles, whereby
3 syllables:
Bimini, Chagatai, dominee, Dominey, dominie, domino, dui, feminie, hominy, imino, Jagatai, lamina, lemony, limina, lumina, misally, misapply, nomina, numina, overdye, overfly, overlie, resupply, Rimini, rumina, scammony, semidry, stamina, Tammany, underlie, underly, Yemeni
4 syllables:
alumina, anemone, Gethsemane, innomine, Nyctimene, oversupply