Words That Rhyme With "Geodesic" :
2 syllables:
basic, Busic, cesspit, classic, cosic, cresset, Essex, ethic, felsic, fossick, freshet, gestic, Keswick, Knesset, mesic, respite, Schleswig, seasick
3 syllables:
agrestic, amnesic, amnestic, anisic, banausic, benefic, boracic, dibasic, domestic, dyslexic, erethic, forensic, gynaecic, gynecic, Jurassic, magnesic, majestic, malefic, potassic, silicic, telestich, thalassic, thoracic, Triassic, tribasic
4 syllables:
agaricic, alkahestic, alopecic, analgesic, anamnestic, anapestic, anorexic, athetosic, bioethics, catachrestic, catamnestic, cellulosic, diabasic, diastasic, monobasic, neoclassic, oxytocic, polybasic, prothoracic, tetrabasic, ultrabasic, virtuosic
5 syllables:
isopiestic, mesothoracic, metathoracic