Words That Rhyme With "Gleefully" :
3 syllables:
awfully, brieflessly, buffalo, easefully, equally, evenly, feastfully, genially, grievously, heedfully, joyfully, peaceably, peacefully, penally, regally, retrally, ruefully, shrievalty, sniffily, venally, woefully
4 syllables:
cerebrally, coequally, coevally, conceivably, congenially, deceitfully, obscenely, supremely, unequally, unevenly, viceregally
5 syllables:
acrocephaly, anencephaly, brachycephaly, cymbocephaly, hydrocephaly, hypsicephaly, irretrievably, isocephaly, macrocephaly, microcephaly, oxycephaly, scaphocephaly, tetrahedrally