Words That Rhyme With "Gothic" :
2 syllables:
cosset, ethic, faucet, fossick, gnathic, lithic, mythic, Osset, pathic, posset, profit, prophet, soffit, spathic, strophic, trophic
3 syllables:
atrophic, banausic, bismuthic, dystrophic, empathic, erethic, felspathic, hypothec, nonprofit, ornithic, prognathic
4 syllables:
allopathic, amphipathic, antipathic, antistrophic, apostrophic, batholithic, catastrophic, chemotrophic, chrestomathic, cyclostrophic, ectotrophic, endolithic, endotrophic, Eolithic, epilithic, geostrophic, hydropathic, hypolithic, isobathic, megalithic, mesognathic, Mesolithic, metatrophic, monolithic, monostrophic, myopathic, neolithic, nephropathic, neuropathic, neurotrophic, paratrophic, philosophic, photopathic, polymathic, polytrophic, prototrophic, psychopathic, telepathic, virtuosic
5 syllables:
anacoluthic, anthropopathic, gonadotrophic, heliolithic, heteropathic, heterotrophic, homeopathic, homoeopathic, luteotrophic, naturopathic, osteopathic, palaeolithic, Paleolithic, sociopathic