Words That Rhyme With "Gyros" :
1 syllable:
beaus, blows, boes, Bose, bowes, bro's, brose, chose, close, clothes, cose, coze, crows, croze, doe's, doze, flows, foes, froze, glows, gloze, goes, Goghs, grows, ho's, hoes, hose, joes, Jos, knows, lo's, lowes, lows, moes, Mose, Ngo's, no's, noes, nose, ohs, owes, Poe's, pose, pows, pros, prose, roes, rose, rowes, rows, shows, slows, snows, so's, sows, those, throes, throws, toes, tows, woes
2 syllables:
appose, arose, arrows, Barros, barrows, bateaux, berceuse, bestows, bio's, boroughs, borrows, bureaus, bureaux, burros, Burroughs, burrowes, burrows, Cairo's, causeuse, charros, chateaus, chauffeuse, Cohoes, compose, Cousteau's, Darrow's, Defoe's, depose, disclose, dispose, enclose, expose, famose, faroes, farrow's, foreclose, forgoes, heroes, heros, highrise, hydro's, impose, inclose, Iras, maillots, micros, Miro's, Monroe's, Moros, narrows, Nero's, oppose, outgrows, pharaohs, Pharos, plainclothes, propose, repose, soco's, sorrows, sparrows, stripteuse, suppose, tarots, thrombose, tiros, transpose, Truffaut's, tussaud's, unclose, zeroes, zeros
3 syllables:
accoucheuse, decompose, discompose, indispose, interpose, invirase, juxtapose, predispose, presuppose, recompose, reimpose, superpose, tomorrows
4 syllables:
caballeros, misdiagnose, overexpose, photocompose, superheroes, superimpose, underexpose