Words That Rhyme With "Hefty" :
2 syllables:
Bette, Betty, cesti, chesty, crafty, Defee, deftly, drafty, draughty, drifty, Effie, espy, Esty, feoffee, fifty, fretty, Getty, jetty, lefty, lesche, Letty, lofty, mufti, Nettie, netty, nifty, pesky, petit, petty, safety, seti, setty, shifty, shufti, softie, softy, stretti, sweaty, testy, thrifty, tufty, yeti, zesty
3 syllables:
confetti, flightsafety, Gillespie, machete, molesky, Rossetti, spaghetti, toplofty, unsafety, unthrifty
4 syllables:
amoretti, biosafety, cappelletti, Donizetti, Giacometti, serengeti, Sobieski, spermaceti