Words That Rhyme With "Highlight" :
1 syllable:
bight, bite, blight, bright, byte, cite, dight, Dwight, fight, fite, flight, flite, fright, height, heit, hight, hyte, kite, knight, krait, kyte, light, lite, might, mite, night, nite, plight, quite, reit, right, rite, sight, site, skite, sleight, slight, smite, spight, spite, sprite, tight, trite, twite, white, wight, wite, wright, write
2 syllables:
affright, alight, allright, alright, aright, attrite, bedight, benight, bobwhite, childlike, contrite, daylight, delight, despite, dunite, evite, excite, eyelet, eyelike, filate, forthright, ignite, incite, indict, indite, invite, islet, knifelike, lifelike, limelight, lowlight, mellite, miswrite, mullite, munite, nonwhite, onsite, outfight, outright, outwrite, pelite, Pilate, pilot, polite, recite, requite, rewrite, scheelite, sidelight, skintight, skylight, stylet, stylite, tillite, tonight, tonite, topflight, twilight, twilit, unsight, upright, uptight, wifelike, windtight
3 syllables:
covellite, disinvite, disunite, featherlight, impolite, overnight, overwrite, raphaelite, reignite, reinvite, reunite, rubellite, unpolite, weathertight, Yemenite, yesternight
4 syllables:
anthophyllite, endopodite, overexcite, pyrophyllite