Rhyme Desk
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Words That Rhyme With "Hindes" :

1 syllable:

bends, blends, blintz, blintze, bunds, chintz, ends, fends, fiends, finned, flints, friends, funds, ginned, grinned, lends, Lind, mints, pinned, prints, quints, sends, Sind, sinned, skinned, spends, splints, sprints, stints, tends, thinned, tinned, tints, trends, twinned, wends, windes, winds

2 syllables:

abscind, amends, ascends, attends, befriends, chagrined, commends, contends, defends, depends, descends, downwind, exscind, extends, headwinds, imprints, intends, misprints, offends, outwind, portends, prescind, pretends, refunds, reprints, rescinds, suspends, transcends, woodwinds

3 syllables:


4 syllables:
