Words That Rhyme With "Hurok" :
2 syllables:
arrack, auric, aurochs, Barak, barrack, borak, boric, carack, carrack, chloric, choric, clorox, deroche, Doric, duroc, Dvorak, forethought, gorcock, moric, Norwalk, orlop, rayrock, taroc, thoric, warlock, Zurich
3 syllables:
amphoric, caloric, camphoric, dysphoric, euphoric, fluoric, historic, plethoric, telluric
4 syllables:
aciduric, ahistoric, arthrosporic, ascosporic, blastoporic, carposporic, chromophoric, cistophoric, hypnosporic, isochoric, macrosporic, Magyarorszag, megasporic, metaphoric, meteoric, oophoric, paregoric, phonophoric, prehistoric, pyrophoric, zoophoric
5 syllables:
gametophoric, heterophoric, intratelluric, phantasmagoric, polyhistoric, teleutosporic