Rhyme Desk
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Words That Rhyme With "Hymenopterous" :

3 syllables:

apterous, copperas, dipteros, dipterous, doctorates, dolorous, properness, sonorous, watercress, waterless

4 syllables:

brachypterous, chiropteran, cistophorus, cnidophorous, hemipterous, homopteran, homopterous, improperness, isomerous, macropterous, orthopteran, orthopterous, peripteros, preposterous, sporophorous, tetrapterous, zoophorus, Zygopteran

5 syllables:

adipocerous, electrophorus, galactophorous, heteromerous, heteropterous, interoperates, lepidopteran, lepidopteron, lepidopterous, neuropteran, ommatophorous

6 syllables:
