Words That Rhyme With "Hypozeuxis" :
2 syllables:
axis, juices, lexis, looses, Luce's, praxis, pyxis, rhexis, uses, Zeuxis
3 syllables:
abuses, Alexis, cabooses, cathexis, Eleusis, excuses, induces, onyxis, orexis, produces, pseudaxis, reduces, sparaxis, synaxis
4 syllables:
amphimixis, anacrusis, anaptyxis, anatexis, apomixis, asterixis, chemotaxis, diplacusis, disabuses, epiplexis, epistaxis, geotaxis, homotaxis, hydrotaxis, hypacusis, hypotaxis, introduces, paracusis, parataxis, phototaxis, phyllotaxis, presbycusis, prophylaxis, reproduces, rheotaxis, telotaxis, thermotaxis, thigmotaxis
5 syllables:
anaphylaxis, anemotaxis, anticathexis, electrotaxis, galvanotaxis, heliotaxis, heterotaxis, hyperacusis, reintroduces, stereotaxis, tachyphylaxis