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Words That Rhyme With "Impellent" :

2 syllables:

belen, Belgian, bellman, Belsen, belton, callant, cholent, coolant, Delane, elden, ellen, Elman, elson, Elton, felon, felten, Felton, galant, gallant, headland, helen, hellen, hellion, Hellman, helot, keelson, kelson, Kelton, Mellon, melon, melton, mettlen, nelson, prelate, redland, sealant, sellen, Sheldon, shellman, Shelton, Shetland, silent, Skelton, Snellen, Solent, stellate, talent, Teflon, telson, Veblen, volant, welcomed, welden, Weldon, wellen, wellman, Welton, yellen, zealot, Zetland

3 syllables:

appellant, assailant, avellan, bivalent, condolent, cyphellate, divalent, esculent, exhalant, expellant, flabellate, haustellate, hotelman, inhalant, Magellan, Mcclellan, patellate, propellant, propellent, rebellion, repellent, scutellate, surveillant, tervalent, topgallant, transcalent, Trevelyan, trivalent, ungallant

4 syllables:

bipropellant, columellate, interpellant, lenticellate, monovalent, multivalent, octavalent, pedicellate, pentavalent, polyvalent, quadrivalent, quinquevalent, septivalent, sexavalent, tetravalent, univalent

5 syllables:
