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Words That Rhyme With "Inoffensively" :

3 syllables:

Cecily, messily, pensively, sensibly, tensilely

4 syllables:

adventively, aggressively, attentively, caressively, compressively, concessively, defensively, degressively, depressively, excessively, expansively, expensively, expressively, extensively, forensically, impressively, intensively, inventively, obsessively, offensively, oppressively, ostensibly, possessively, presentively, progressively, recessively, reflexively, repressively, retentively, successively

5 syllables:

apprehensively, coextensively, comprehensively, inattentively, inexpensively, inexpressively, unimpressively

6 syllables:

inapprehensively, incomprehensibly, incomprehensively

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