Words That Rhyme With "Laypeople" :
2 syllables:
apple, baetyl, beadle, beagle, beatles, beetle, caple, chapel, chital, copal, couple, credal, creedal, cripple, cupel, daedal, dapple, dedal, duple, eagle, faecal, fecal, feeble, fetal, fipple, foetal, grapple, graupel, gripple, hipple, hopple, Keble, kleagle, legal, maple, meikle, mikal, needle, nipple, opal, Opel, peepul, people, regal, regle, riegel, ripple, scopal, scrapple, scruple, seagull, Segal, sepal, Siegal, sipple, souple, staple, steeple, stipel, stipple, stopple, supple, tipple, topple, treacle, triple, tripple, tweedle, typal, wheedle, Whipple
3 syllables:
acetyl, archetypal, chairpeople, craftspeople, decouple, decretal, depeople, disciple, dispeople, enfeeble, enfeebled, estoppel, gametal, illegal, inveigle, narthecal, nonlegal, quadruple, repeople, salespeople, sextuple, spokespeople, townspeople, tradespeople, uncouple, unpeople, unregal, varietal, viceregal, workpeople
4 syllables:
biacetyl, businesspeople, catoptrical, condisciple, congresspeople, countrypeople, diacetyl, epiphloedal, extralegal, overpeople, paralegal, prototypal
5 syllables:
Adrianople, Constantinople, ileocecal, medicolegal, photometrical