Words That Rhyme With "Lifer" :
2 syllables:
briefer, buffer, chafer, chaffer, chauffer, chauffeur, cipher, coffer, cypher, dicer, differ, diver, doffer, Dreiser, driver, duffer, fifer, fiver, gaffer, gauffer, gofer, goffer, gopher, heifer, Hofer, hoofer, Kaffir, kafir, nicer, niver, offer, Ophir, pricer, proffer, puffer, reefer, ricer, roofer, rougher, safer, scriver, shicer, shofar, shophar, Shriver, skiver, sniffer, snuffer, sofar, sopher, spicer, staffer, stiffer, stiver, strafer, striver, stuffer, stuiver, suffer, tougher, troffer, twicer, twofer, wafer, woofer, zaffer, zephyr
3 syllables:
arriver, contriver, decipher, deicer, encipher, piaffer, reoffer, reviver, revivor, survivor