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Words That Rhyme With "Metal" :

2 syllables:

atoll, baetyl, battel, battle, beetle, betel, Bootle, bottle, brattle, brittle, brutal, buttle, butyl, cattle, cental, chattel, chital, coital, cottle, cuttle, deckle, deckled, dental, djebel, dotal, dottle, Eccles, ectal, fatal, festal, fetal, fettle, foetal, footle, freckle, freckled, gentle, glottal, goutal, guttle, Haeckel, Hebbel, heckle, heckled, heddle, Hegel, it'll, Keitel, kettle, kittel, kittle, knittle, little, mettle, natal, nebel, nettle, nettled, pebble, pedal, pedalled, peddle, peddled, petal, petrel, pettle, pottle, prattle, Preble, pretzel, quetzal, ratal, ratel, rattle, rectal, reddle, regel, rental, rootle, rotl, ruttle, scuttle, Seckel, sepal, septal, settle, settled, sheitel, shekel, shuttle, skittle, speckle, speckled, spital, spittle, statal, stratal, subtile, subtle, suttle, tattle, Tetzel, that'll, throttle, title, tittle, tootal, tootle, total, treadle, treble, trental, twattle, vestal, victual, vital, vittle, wattle, wedel, whittle, wittol

3 syllables:

abuttal, acetyl, acquittal, argental, belittle, cliental, decretal, detrital, embattle, embrittle, entitle, intitle, mistitle, nonfatal, nonmetal, parental, planetal, postnatal, prenatal, rebuttal, recital, refutal, resettle, resettled, revictual, Seattle, subtotal, teakettle, teetotal, ungentle, unsettle, unsettled, unsubtle, varietal

4 syllables:

accidental, anecdotal, anorectal, antenatal, antidotal, aplacental, biacetyl, biparental, colorectal, continental, diacetyl, dialectal, disentitle, epicotyl, grandparental, hypocotyl, implacental, incidental, interdental, interseptal, intravital, Kwakiutl, neonatal, occidental, oriental, oversubtle, peridental, perinatal, preparental, sacerdotal, supersubtle, thiopental, transcendental

5 syllables:

antecedental, coincidental, labiodental, matripotestal, pancontinental, patripotestal, Quetzalcoatl, subcontinental, transcontinental

6 syllables:

actinomycetal, epicontinental, intercontinental

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