Words That Rhyme With "Plaudit" :
2 syllables:
adit, audit, bonded, caudate, Cobbett, credit, dotted, edit, Fosdick, gobbet, godship, godwit, hobbit, hogget, jotted, knotted, modic, nodded, podite, potted, probit, prodded, Roderick, rotted, scalded, sotted, spotted, trotted
3 syllables:
absconded, acaudate, accredit, anodic, argotic, arthrodic, azotic, besotted, carotid, cathodic, chaotic, chlorotic, cirrhotic, defrauded, demotic, despotic, dicrotic, dipodic, discredit, ecaudate, ergodic, erotic, exotic, fibrotic, hidrotic, hypnotic, incondite, ixodid, kenotic, kraurotic, kyphotic, leprotic, lordotic, meiotic, methodic, mitotic, monodic, morphotic, myotic, narcotic, necrotic, nephrotic, nepotic, osmotic, parodic, parotid, perotic, phimotic, prosodic, psalmodic, psychotic, responded, rhapsodic, robotic, sclerotic, spasmodic, subedit, synodic, thrombotic, tricrotic, tripodic, unspotted, zygotic, zymotic
4 syllables:
acanthotic, acidotic, amaurotic, ameiotic, amitotic, anecdotic, anhidrotic, anhydrotic, anthracotic, asymptotic, athetotic, brevicaudate, chemosmotic, corresponded, cosmonautic, creosotic, cyanotic, disaccredit, dizygotic, ecchymotic, enphytotic, enzygotic, episodic, escharotic, exostotic, hexapodic, ichthyotic, indigotic, keratotic, malacotic, monopodic, posthypnotic, pseudopodic, semeiotic, siderotic, silicotic, syndesmotic, synostotic, tetrapodic, thanatotic, xenophobic
5 syllables:
anastomotic, antispasmodic, autohypnotic, blastomycotic, epiphytotic, hyperostotic, lymphocytotic, monozygotic, rhinocerotic
6 syllables:
actinomycotic, atherosclerotic, avitaminotic, botryomycotic, erythroblastotic, hemikaryotic, hemochromatotic, hemosiderotic, heterozygotic, hyperkeratotic