Words That Rhyme With "Pups" :
1 syllable:
apps, apse, blips, bucks, buts, butts, caps, chaps, chips, chops, chuck's, claps, clips, clubs, clucks, cops, copse, craps, Cripps, crips, crops, crux, cubs, cups, cuts, dips, drips, drops, dubs, ducks, dux, flaps, flips, flops, flubs, flux, fucks, gaps, Gluck's, gluts, grips, grubs, guts, gyps, hips, hops, hubs, hucks, huts, japs, juts, klutz, klux, Knuts, Krupp's, Lapps, laps, lapse, lips, lucks, lutz, lux, maps, mips, mops, mutts, naps, nips, nuts, Ops, plucks, props, quips, raps, reps, rips, rubs, rucks, ruts, saps, schmutz, schnapps, scraps, Scripps, scrubs, seps, ships, shoppes, shops, shrubs, shucks, shuts, sips, skips, slaps, slips, slops, smuts, snaps, snips, snubs, sops, steppes, steps, stopes, stops, straps, streps, strips, struts, Stubbs, stubs, subs, sucks, swaps, taps, thrips, tips, tops, traps, trips, trucks, tubs, tucks, tut's, tux, up's, whats, whips, wops, wraps, yaps, yips, yuks, zaps, zips
2 syllables:
abuts, backups, checkups, cleanups, closeups, collapse, creamcups, deluxe, eclipse, eggcups, elapse, ellipse, equips, grownups, holdups, hookups, lineups, linkups, markups, missteps, nonstops, outstrips, perhaps, pickups, pushups, relapse, runups, setups, shakeups, startups