Words That Rhyme With "Rambutan" :
2 syllables:
Aten, bluetongue, booten, Breton, brighten, Brighton, Britain, Briton, britten, Britton, butane, butene, chiton, Clayton, cotton, craton, Cretan, croton, crouton, Cuban, cutin, cyton, Dayton, Deaton, doten, doughten, Drayton, duden, eaten, Eaton, Eton, fatten, fitten, flaten, flatten, foughten, frighten, futon, gatten, gluten, glutton, gotten, Grattan, gratton, greaten, Groton, heighten, hooten, hootman, hoten, Houghton, Houston, Hutton, jetton, katen, Keaton, kitten, knighten, kooken, latten, Laughton, Lawton, Layton, Leighton, lighten, litten, Lucan, luken, luten, Luton, Lytton, mitten, moten, mouton, mutant, mutton, neaten, Newcomb, newcome, newton, nutant, nutone, oaten, outen, Outten, paten, Paton, patten, Patton, Payton, Peyton, photon, platan, platen, platten, pluton, poten, proton, pruden, prudence, prudent, ratton, reiten, Reuben, righten, rotan, roten, rotten, routeman, ruben, ruden, rutin, Satan, scotten, scouten, scutum, Seton, shootin', shotten, Sitten, skookum, slaten, smitten, sputum, staten, Stoughton, straighten, straiten, student, Sutton, sweeten, sweeton, tauten, Teton, Teuton, threaten, tighten, titan, totten, toucan, triton, wheaten, Wheaton, whiten, whitten, witan, Witten, Wotan, written
3 syllables:
acutance, capoten, Dakotan, disputant, enlighten, forgotten, guncotton, imprudence, imprudent, Laputan, manhattan, Mcnaughton, pahutan, pollutant, Rasputin, rewritten, uneaten, ungotten, unwritten
4 syllables:
Aeginetan, hifalutin, highfalutin, isobutane, isobutene, jurisprudence, jurisprudent, karyotin, Minnesotan, misbegotten, overwritten, photoproton, polybutene, unbegotten, unforgotten