Words That Rhyme With "Shove" :
1 syllable:
bluff, buff, calve, chough, chuff, cuff, dove, duff, fluff, give, glove, gloved, gruff, guff, halve, have, hough, huff, Liv, love, loved, luff, mauve, muff, of, pluff, puff, rough, Ruf, ruff, salve, sauve, scruff, scuff, sieve, Slav, slough, sluff, snuff, sough, spiv, stuff, suave, tough, tuff, vav
2 syllables:
above, beloved, crossruff, enough, forgive, foxglove, hereof, misgive, outbluff, outlive, rebuff, relive, ringdove, thereof, truelove, unlive, unloved, whereof