Words That Rhyme With "Solum" :
2 syllables:
alum, Balaam, bellum, blellum, bolden, bolen, bolson, bolten, Bolton, bowlen, coalman, colden, colen, collum, Colman, colon, Colton, column, coulomb, dolen, dolesome, Elam, filum, folden, Folsom, fulham, fullam, golan, golden, golem, Hallam, hilum, holden, holeman, holen, Jhelum, Jolson, molden, molen, molten, moulden, Moulton, Nolan, olden, Oldham, Pelham, phellem, phylum, polen, pollman, rolen, rollman, sholom, skellum, slalom, stolen, swollen, tolan, tolen, tollman, vallum, vellum, velum, whilom, wholesome, wolden, ylem
3 syllables:
abcoulomb, beholden, eidolon, embolden, flabellum, flagellum, gilgulim, glabellum, haustellum, idolum, labellum, rostellum, sacellum, scutellum, subphylum, unwholesome
4 syllables:
antebellum, aspergillum, cerebellum, Malayalam, mesocolon, podophyllum, postscutellum, spirillum, unbeholden