Words That Rhyme With "Spoofed" :
1 syllable:
boost, bouffe, coof, goof, goofed, grooved, hoof, hoofed, kloof, loof, loosed, moved, proof, proofed, Proust, proved, roof, roofed, roost, spruced, toothed, woof
2 syllables:
aloof, approved, behoof, deduced, disproof, disproved, disused, improved, induced, produced, reduced, removed, reproof, rustproof, seduced, shadoof, shaduf, unmoved, unproved, unroof, unroofed
3 syllables:
disapproved, introduced, overproof, reproduced, unapproved, underproof, unimproved, unreproved, unseduced, waterproofed