Words That Rhyme With "Taped" :
1 syllable:
ached, ape, baked, beeped, braked, caked, cape, caped, chape, chipped, clipped, crape, crepe, crept, crypt, dipped, dipt, drape, draped, dripped, faked, flipped, gape, graip, grape, griped, gripped, gript, gypped, heaped, hipped, hyped, jape, kept, leaped, leapt, lipped, nape, neaped, nipped, pape, peeped, piped, prepped, quipped, raked, rape, raped, reaped, ripped, scape, scrape, scraped, script, seeped, sept, shape, shaped, shipped, sipped, skipped, slaked, slape, slept, slipped, snape, sniped, striped, stripped, swape, swept, swiped, tripped, wept, whipped, wiped, zipped
2 syllables:
accept, adept, agape, beneaped, decrypt, discept, eggshaped, encrypt, equipped, escape, escaped, except, incept, inept, landscaped, misshape, outstripped, prescript, reshape, reshaped, undrape, undraped, unkept, unreaped, unshaped, unshipped, unstriped, unwept, unwhipped, unzipped
3 syllables:
intercept, nondescript, overslept, reaccept, unequipped