Words That Rhyme With "Tooth" :
1 syllable:
boose, booth, Boothe, bouffe, Bruce, coof, coos, cruce, deuce, douce, duce, goof, goose, hoof, hoose, juice, kloof, loof, loose, Luce, luth, moose, mousse, muth, noose, nous, poof, pouf, proof, puce, roof, ruth, scouth, sleuth, sluice, smooth, sooth, soothe, spoof, spruce, truce, truth, use, woof, youth, Zeus
2 syllables:
abduce, abstruse, abuse, adduce, aloof, ayous, behoof, bucktooth, burnoose, burnous, caboose, Cayuse, conduce, deduce, diffuse, disproof, disuse, dogtooth, Duluth, educe, eyetooth, foretooth, forsooth, induce, Larousse, masseuse, papoose, produce, profuse, recluse, reduce, reproof, rustproof, seduce, shadoof, shaduf, subduce, tolbooth, tollbooth, traduce, transduce, uncouth, unloose, unroof, untruth, vamoose, vermouth
3 syllables:
introduce, overproof, reproduce, snaggletooth, underproof