Words That Rhyme With "Trenton" :
2 syllables:
Anton, Benton, Brenton, bunten, bunton, canton, centrum, centum, Cheltenham, Clinton, Danton, dentin, dentine, Denton, dependance, Emden, fountain, hempen, intan, jetton, Kennan, Kenton, Lennon, lenten, Linton, Mencken, mountain, muntin, pendant, pendent, pennon, pentane, phenom, plantain, plenum, ponton, quintain, quintan, santon, sentence, sentman, splendent, Stanton, Staunton, suntan, Taunton, tendance, tendon, tenon, venom, wanton
3 syllables:
agendum, appendant, argentum, ascendance, ascendant, ascendence, ascendent, Atlantan, attendance, attendant, cementum, credendum, dedendum, defendant, dependant, dependence, dependent, descendant, descendent, Dilantin, envenom, impendence, impendent, intendance, intendant, momentum, omentum, pudendum, ramentum, repentance, repentant, resplendence, resplendent, sarmentum, Tarentum, Tibetan, tomentum, transcendence, transcendent
4 syllables:
adamantine, catamountain, codefendant, condescendence, corrigendum, cyclopentane, demicanton, independence, independent, indumentum, Kalimantan, ligamentum, Macrodantin, neopentane, nonattendance, referendum, thiopentone, unrepentant
5 syllables:
chryselephantine, definiendum, interdependence, interdependent, paludamentum, pericementum, superintendence, superintendent