Words That Rhyme With "Twofer" :
2 syllables:
bluffer, briefer, buffer, Buford, chafer, chaffer, chauffer, chauffeur, cipher, coffer, coucher, cypher, differ, doffer, doover, duffer, fifer, futhark, future, gaffer, gauffer, gofer, goffer, gopher, groover, heifer, Hofer, hoofer, hoover, juicer, Kaffir, kafir, Laffer, liefer, lifer, loafer, looser, louvar, louver, lucerne, Luther, luthern, moocher, mover, offer, Ophir, proffer, puffer, reefer, roofer, rougher, safer, shofar, shophar, sniffer, snuffer, sofar, sopher, strafer, suffer, suture, troffer, Uther, wafer, woofer, zaffer, zephyr
3 syllables:
adducer, approver, decipher, diffusor, disprover, encipher, improver, inducer, maneuver, manoeuvre, piaffer, producer, reducer, reliefer, remover, reoffer, reprover, seducer, traducer, transducer, Vancouver