Words That Rhyme With "Wallen" :
2 syllables:
alan, alben, Allan, allen, Allyn, Alton, balan, Balkan, ballman, ballon, balsam, balun, belen, billon, bolen, bollen, bowlen, boylen, bullen, calan, callen, cauline, cholent, colen, Collin, collum, colon, column, Copland, cullen, dahlen, dalen, dalton, Delane, dillen, Dillon, dockland, dolen, dolman, Dylan, elan, ellen, falchion, fallen, fallin, fallon, felon, fullen, galan, galen, gallen, gallman, gallon, gillen, golan, hallan, hallen, hallman, helen, hellen, hillen, holen, holland, hollen, hollin, kalen, killen, kulan, Malden, Malin, mallen, Mallon, Mellon, melon, millen, molen, mollen, Moslem, mullein, mullen, Nolan, palen, Palin, paulin, phthalin, polen, pollan, pollen, problem, pullen, rolen, Rolland, rollen, Rollin, salten, Scotland, sellen, sholom, skillen, smallen, Snellen, solan, soland, solemn, solen, solon, solvent, Spillane, Stalin, stallman, stolen, stollen, sullen, talon, tholen, thralldom, tolan, tolen, villain, villein, Volscian, yellen
3 syllables:
asphaltum, avellan, befallen, chapfallen, chopfallen, crestfallen, dissolvent, eidolon, emollient, insolvent, installment, Lucullan, Macmillan, Magellan, Mcallen, Mcclellan, Mcmillan, nonsolvent, resolvent, tarpaulin, vandalen