Words That Rhyme With "Whiffet" :
2 syllables:
Buffett, civet, civic, drifted, gifted, grivet, haffet, licit, lifted, lithic, livid, misfit, mythic, privet, profit, prophet, rivet, shifted, sifted, soffit, sylphic, sylphid, trivet, viscid, vivid
3 syllables:
anisic, aurific, calcific, complicit, culicid, deific, elicit, explicit, febrific, horrific, illicit, implicit, magnific, morbific, nonprofit, omnific, ornithic, ossific, pacific, pontific, prolific, silicic, solicit, somnific, specific, terrific
4 syllables:
agaricic, anaglyphic, batholithic, beatific, calorific, colorific, conspecific, endolithic, Eolithic, epilithic, felicific, frigorific, hieroglyphic, honorific, hypolithic, inexplicit, lapidific, megalithic, Mesolithic, monolithic, neolithic, nonspecific, saporific, scientific, soporific, sudorific, tenebrific, torporific, transpacific, vaporific, vapourific
5 syllables:
autopacific, heliolithic, hieroglyphist, intraspecific, palaeolithic, Paleolithic, unscientific
6 syllables:
antisudorific, pseudoscientific